Here’s what a Discovery book reviewer just had to say about The Rain City Hustle:
“The characters are so tightly drawn, they are chiseled. At some points Danny Logan, the main character, is as driven as Dashiell Hammett’s Same Spade, only in a Seattle way. Readers see the dogged detective and his partner/fiancee’, Toni Blair, in the middle of a caper. Thus begins The Rain City Hustle, a long con that spills in slow motion for readers’ delights. M.D. Grayson lets them observe and absorb at a leisurely pace as the actions unravel a rollicking knight’s quest filled with characters that are noir familiar, yet not cliche’. The gangsters are devious enough to be evil. The heroes are brave enough to respect. That said, no one in the novel is entirely straight. The plot seems simple, but has as many layers as a fist-sized Vidalia onion.
Mystery mavens will love this book. I wished I had time to read the author’s other works. Plot geniuses who think they know what happens will be surprised. The end is not predictable. Grayson writes with a flourish that paints every scene as clear as in film. Every time a reader thinks they know the next scene, the author drops another twist that spurs a desire to follow the story maze down to the final page.” – Vincent Golphin, Discovery Book Reviewer